Do …

• buy a MidWest home large enough for an adult dog. It will surely be too big for your puppy, but he’ll grow into it. While he’s small, he may sleep in one corner of the home and eliminate in another at the opposite end. 

• get your pup used to his new home gradually.

• provide soft, washable bedding in the home to keep it comfortable and warm. Make the inside of the home as cozy as you can. Keep it clean and free of fleas.

• supervise your pup whenever he’s free in your home. Supervision is what allows you to guide behavior. Chewing, elimination, barking, and all other behaviors can be modified and controlled at your direction. If left unsupervised, your pup will begin to direct his own behavior and set his schedule.

Don’t …

• leave your very young pup in his home all day. At 6 weeks, a pup can hold his bladder about 4 hours; by 8 weeks, 5 hours; by 12 weeks, 6 hours; and by 5 – 6 months, a pup should be able to “hold it” for as long as an 8-hour workday.

• put “housebreaking pads” or newspaper in your pet’s home. Doing so fights your pup’s natural instinct NOT to “go” in his home. You want to encourage that instinct, get him used to “going” outside, and get him on a proper elimination schedule.

• let your new pup roam through your house unsupervised. Keep an eye on him so that when he sniffs and circles (an indication he is about to “go”) you can quickly and gently guide him to the door and outside.

• force your new pup into his pet home for the first time. Plan on spending plenty of quality time with him the first few days to get him accustomed to his new surroundings.

• punish your pup by putting or forcing him into his home. Your pup’s home should be his secure place; it should not be associated with punishment, fear, or anything negative.

• Explore our website for additional information on approaches and products that help you train your pup, keeping him healthy and happy into adulthood. Then contact MidWest Homes for Petsif you have questions or need help finding your closest retailer.